
Organic and inorganic pigments are distinguished based on their origin and chemical properties.
Source: Organic pigments are extracted or synthesized from animals, plants, minerals or artificially synthesized organic compounds. Inorganic pigments are extracted or synthesized from ores, minerals or synthetic inorganic compounds.
Chemical properties: The molecules of organic pigments are usually composed of complex structures containing carbon, and their color is determined by the chemical structure of the organic compound. The molecules of inorganic pigments are usually composed of inorganic elements, and their color is determined by the properties and structure of the elements.
Stability: Inorganic pigments are generally more stable than organic pigments and more resistant to light, acid, alkali and heat. Organic pigments may break down or change color under certain conditions. Color Range: Due to differences in their chemical structure, organic pigments generally have a wider color range, allowing for more vibrant colors. Inorganic pigments have a relatively narrow range of colors. Application fields: Organic pigments are suitable for dyes, paints, plastics, paper and other fields. Inorganic pigments are widely used in ceramics, glass, pigments, coatings and other fields.

It should be noted that both organic and inorganic pigments have their own advantages and characteristics, and the choice of which pigment to use depends on the specific application needs and the desired effect.

Post time: Nov-15-2023